[ExI] Warren Buffett is worried too and thinks Republicans are "asinine"

Kelly Anderson kellycoinguy at gmail.com
Thu Nov 7 00:05:42 UTC 2013

On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 11:54 AM, Mirco Romanato <painlord2k at libero.it>wrote:

> Il 05/11/2013 04:24, Kelly Anderson ha scritto:

> But fundamentally, you are talking to morph the IRS in the Sheriff of
> Nottingham and his Soldiers.
> Boots at the door, kick, enter, take stuff, arrest people, etc.
> We know how ended in England, I do not think it would end very well in
> the US given the 3-500 hundred millions guns in civilian hands.

Mirco! Bless you! That is EXACTLY WHY the founding fathers put the right to
bear arms into the constitution!

Why a limited right to bear arms has survived 230 years of tyrannical creep
since then is anybody's guess.

> What criminal sanction would be applicable if the IRS could apply it?
> How many years of jail people would receive for refusing to pay the "tax"?
> How many of them would fight against being arrested? Maybe not the first
> time, but the following.

There are a lot of tax cheats in jail. I can't find how many, but I have
known at least one personally. Two if you count his innocent wife. Ah yes,
three if you count his accountant, who also did time.

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