[ExI] kepler study says 8.8e9 earthlike planets

Andrew Mckee andymck35 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 8 04:45:52 UTC 2013

On Thu, 07 Nov 2013 03:03:53 +1300, Anders Sandberg <anders at aleph.se>  

> Where do you see those fields, besides near neutron stars? Note that the

In the introductory page of that Caltech site you just linked to.  ;-)

> Caltech paper typically reports fields in the range of 1-1000 *micro*  
> Gauss.

In interstellar space(?), where plasma densities are the lowest you will  
ever find, thats to be expected and entirely consistent with the EU model  
I would have thought.

But strengths of fields aside, the fact that there are remotely observable  
magnetic fields throughout the universe at all is surely a smoking gun in  
the EU models favor, not a refutation of it.

The argument would seem to be over what exactly is generating all those  
magnetic fields, I think you already know what the EU crowd and most  
electrical engineers are going to say.

The trick it would seem to be is gathering the necessary data to either  
confirm or deny their theories.
Good thing we have a star burning brightly in our own backyard.


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