[ExI] What happens when Bitcoin goes to a million bucks?
pharos at gmail.com
Thu Nov 14 13:28:48 UTC 2013
On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Brent Allsop wrote:
> So, let me ask you this. The internet disrupted most all industries. Lots
> of dumb, inefficient pockets of capital (i.e. large companies that did not
> adapt very fast) had their wealth taken from them, and given to the new
> upstarts that could better see the future - making everything WAY more
> efficient.
> So, other than a few rich dumb bastards that did not deserve the wealth, is
> anyone in the world today worse off, because of the internet?
You want me to specifically list the disadvantages of the internet???
(And ignore the rest of the environment?).
The internet is an improved communication system, a tool that can be
used for good or bad purposes.
So some uses will help people and some uses will make people worse
off, just as the telephone did.
Do I really need to list the bits that make people worse off?
NSA and corporation monitoring, population surveillance, export of
jobs overseas (aided by improved communication), never away from work
(email and messaging evenings and weekends), alienation, loneliness
and relationship breakups (living on the internet reduces personal
contacts), SPAM, id theft and monetary loss, financial frauds,
internet paedophile clubs, virus takeover and misuse of personal pcs,
worldwide publicity for insanity in forums and chat rooms, easy access
for children to the worst kinds of violence and pornography, etc.
This list is just a quick sample and probably incomplete.
I do appreciate the good bits of the internet as well. But it is
certainly not a one-way 'good thing'.
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