[ExI] this one is for the prime hipsters
spike66 at att.net
Fri Nov 22 21:09:36 UTC 2013
>. On Behalf Of Adrian Tymes
Subject: Re: [ExI] this one is for the prime hipsters
On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 11:29 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
What happens when one is no longer worthy to be a geek? Does one get
declared cool?
Evolution forbid.
>.There exist such things as cool geeks, who are not mere posers in either
>.You know, if you wanted some mental explosives. ;)
Adrian I am feeling a strange mixture of emotions which could perhaps best
be explained using an imaginary scenario. Spouse calls, Honey come straight
on home after work today, oookaaaaay Shweethaaaht?
Whenever she is doing Bogart, you know what she has in mind, so quitting
time, you hustle on home, come in the back door, make a few preparations,
walk in to the living room: Shweethaaaht, I'm ho.
SURPRIIIIiiii.yi.yi.yi. exclaims about twenty of your closest friends as
they leap out from behind the furniture, and you are standing there in
nothing but a big old boner.
In my particular case, for literal accuracy, I would be standing there in
nothing but an old boner. But in any case, you manage to stammer, Hi
everybody, mind if we hold the party until I. uh. put on some actual.
clothing? And would you mind averting your mortified gaze? And so forth.
One might feel an odd mixture of embarrassment, understandable under the
circumstances, at one's presumption, and for having revealed oneself in such
a way, but this emotion would be an odd mixture of embarrassment with a
pleasant and exciting anticipation of fine companionship for the evening
with old friends you perhaps haven't seen in months, and who have never seen
you, or at least that much of you. Assuming of course they don't flee as
soon as you leave the room.
A math geek friend posted me about this prime discovery some time ago, but I
presumptuously tossed it aside, with a dismissive and presumptuous comment
"Oh right, I am so very sure that is correct. What's the date on that
story, April first?"
Now it sounds like it is true. But it completely blows my mind that it
could possibly be so. I don't see how it could be true. It changes
everything! But I anticipate with a mixture of contrite embarrassment and
excitement learning about it.
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