[ExI] Tap tap….Hello? Is this thing on? (Or Zombie Apocalypse!)

Omar Rahman rahmans at me.com
Tue Oct 1 07:39:44 UTC 2013

Dear All,

Forget 'philosophical zombies', we have 'political zombies' in Washington. The shambling horde emerging from K street alone is enough to terrify the sane.

So, how are you all doing in the post apocalyptic libertarian paradise? This is twice now that the Disciples of Reagan have acted on his proclamation "Government is the problem!" I wonder how the markets will react to this elimination of government. That's the true test of anything and everything, right?

Media pundits are coming for our brains......*crash* .....*bang*.......*aaaaahhhhhhHHHHaaaAAAAa* .....braaiiins............braaaaiiiiiinnnnnnssss............


Omar Rahman

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