[ExI] [Doctrinezero] Fwd: [London-Futurists] For people who speak French
Eugen Leitl
eugen at leitl.org
Sun Oct 13 08:34:19 UTC 2013
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Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2013 08:27:51 +0100
From: Zero State <info at zerostate.net>
To: "doctrinezero at zerostate.is" <doctrinezero at zerostate.is>
Subject: [Doctrinezero] Fwd: [London-Futurists] For people who speak French
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Reply-To: doctrinezero at zerostate.is
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From: David Wood <davidw at deltawisdom.com>
Date: 13 October 2013 06:22
Subject: [London-Futurists] For people who speak French
To: London-Futurists-announce at meetup.com
The following news from Marc Roux will be of interest to members of this
group who speak French:
Hello everybody,
The *French Transhumanist Association, Technoprog!* is pleased to announce
that, from the month of November 2013, we are launching the first round of
French conferences entirely online which we named "*TechnoXLR8*." These
conferences will be organized in thematic cycles, one for each month.
To inaugurate our first round , we have the pleasure of hosting one of the
best specialists of transhumanism in France : *Rémi Sussan*, InternetActu
journalist, author of *Les utopies posthumaines* (2005) and an essay on the
brain (forthcoming: 2013).
Rémi Sussan propose a reflection from the question "*À quoi peut servir le
This first conference will be held Monday, November 11 - 6:00 pm CET (
central european time = Paris time) - on the platform of online conference
To register for this conference, you should follow the instructions on the
Technoprog! site: *Online Conference:
Looking forward to seeing your colourful avatar in the virtual conference
room of TeleXLR8 :-)
For *AFT:Technoprog!*
Marc Roux--
[image: Association Française Transhumaniste]
contact at transhumanistes.com
This message was sent by David Wood (davidw at deltawisdom.com) from London
Futurists <http://www.meetup.com/London-Futurists/>.
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Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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