[ExI] Tap tap..Hello? Is this thing on? (Or Zombie Apocalypse!)
Omar Rahman
rahmans at me.com
Wed Oct 16 13:08:27 UTC 2013
Dear Rafał,
Let me begin by apologising. It was not my intent to 'run roughshod' over anyone, simple to inject a bit of humour into what to me is a pharisaical situation. While I may not agree with your political opinions I do respect you as a scientist, list member, and as a human being.
> Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 23:17:03 -0400
> From: Rafal Smigrodzki <rafal.smigrodzki at gmail.com>
> To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
> Subject: Re: [ExI] Tap tap..Hello? Is this thing on? (Or Zombie
> Apocalypse!)
> Message-ID:
> <CAAc1gFi5rMyTPg2zWE2Oo3y7w-YCwQ2YQgikTTk-8u7qxp8g2g at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 4:33 AM, Omar Rahman <rahmans at me.com> wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2013 23:45:17 -0400
>> From: Rafal Smigrodzki <rafal.smigrodzki at gmail.com>
>> To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
>> Subject: Re: [ExI] Tap tap..Hello? Is this thing on? (Or Zombie
>> Apocalypse!)
>> Message-ID:
>> <CAAc1gFgQ76Jtk4dQ3EWfk=8S3ayYzukDxNkxvJZYdspubqUcAA at mail.gmail.com>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>> (I wrote)
>> Congress gave the president
>> about 99% of the money he needs to run the government. The president
>> refused to run the government, and shut it down. He could have taken
>> the money and done his job but refused to.
>> Do you agree that the president shut down the government?
>> Omar wrote:
>> In a word; no.
>> You said, "Congress gave the president about 99% of the money he needs to
>> run the government." This is just plain wrong.
>> Congress is a bicameral legislature and it failed to pass an appropriations
>> bill. The president had nothing to sign or veto, hence the president didn't
>> shut down the government.
> ### The House of Representatives passed the appropriations bill. You
> could claim that Mr Reid, who is the Senate Democrat leader, shut down
> the government by refusing to confirm the House bill. This would be
> fail to adequately describe reality - Mr Reid would not act in this
> way without approval from Mr Obama. Hence, Mr Obama, in concert with
> Mr Reid and other Democrats, shut down the government.
> ----------------
The Senate has no obligation whatsoever to rubber-stamp the House's bills. That's just not how it's designed to work. It matters not what their supposed motivations.
>> What is far more likely to happen, as pointed to by the repeated use of the
>> phrase "full faith and confidence of the government of the United States" by
>> the president, is that this will reach a crisis level equal to that of a
>> "national emergency" and the president will then be able to use "emergency
>> powers" to resolve the standoff.
> ### In other words, as soon as democratic procedure does not yield
> what you personally want, you wish to have a dictator ("elected" in a
> rigged vote) take over. The wishes of others need not be heeded.
> --------------
This is not a bug it's a feature. If the rest of the government fails to act, or there is some other national emergency, the President has been empowered to act within the framework of "Emergency Powers".
In terms of 'democratic pressure', the last presidential election was run primarily on this issue and the people spoke in favour of Obama/"Obamacare".
In terms of 'democratic pressure', the democratic party holds a majority in the Senate.
In terms of 'democratic pressure', the democratic party got (many) more votes for members of the House but thanks to Republican gerrymandering (which happens at a state level) they failed to get a majority.
> I am also quoting a bit more of your post:
>> I'm guessing that even the most fanatical, racist, and fascist elements of
>> the Tea Party will cave in before then. They should be called the Koolaid
>> Party because they really seem to have 'drunk the koolaid'.
> and:
>> In general; "He of the Orange glow and Weepy eyes" afraid of the "Brethren
>> of Koolaid" who made loud 'ugg ugg' for many time in the place of 50 clan
>> chiefs. Great sky spirt X, Y, and Z has revealed to the Brethren of Koolaid
>> that most harmful thing for people is 'healthcare' and best thing for people
>> is big more guns. Now the Brethren of Koolaid make loud 'ugg ugg' in all
>> place and no give gold rocks to nobody never nohow nowhen nowhy. NO NO NO!
>> Until Main Street, Wall Street, and K Street finally have had enough and
>> kick them right where they will say 'UGG uggg uggggg....'
>> Are we clear?
> ### What is clear to me is that you have a tendency to deride people
> who disagree with you in a very crude, contemptuous manner. I can only
> hold up the example of other members of the list for you to learn
> from. Have you ever seen e.g. Anders behave like you? This explains
> why you are so comfortable with running roughshod over the wishes of
> others - if they are fascist troglodytes, why should anyone care?
> Live and learn.
I ascend into the realms of humour when faced with the absurd. This seems to me to be a healthy reaction.
At no time have I made fun of you personally Rafał, unless indirectly if are a Tea Party (Brethren of the Koolaid) member.
I will not apologise for making fun of the Tea Party though. I find them threatening and offensive in the extreme and see no reason to coddle their feelings.
Omar Rahman
P.S. Anders does rock! I've watched him on YouTube and I'm a fan I think! Squeeeee!
P.P.S. If someone is a fascist troglodyte they will by definition try to kill/enslave/disempower/repress some group and I hope that I find the courage to oppose them if that day comes.
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