[ExI] Warren Buffett is worried too and thinks Republicans are "asinine"

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 06:05:32 UTC 2013

On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 10:40 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

> They mention a number I think must be in error, 500 million lines of
> code.  Indeed?  No one has yet offered us a reasonable explanation for what
> the hell all those lines of code think they are doing in there.  Why did
> they need all that?  Software gurus please, does that tell you what they
> could have had in mind?

My hunch is, that figure includes third party things such as Apache Web
servers, and thus all the lines of code from those projects - including
lots of features and special cases that this Web site does not and never
will use (within the next half century, at least).  While it is technically
correct to say the project contains those lines of code, it is also grossly

That or they're including data files and other non-code things.

That said, it's a federal government IT project.  Rare is such a project
that is well managed and well designed.  I can readily believe there's
quite a bit of bloat too.
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