[ExI] Tom Lehrer profile

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Fri Apr 11 14:55:08 UTC 2014

MB wrote:

>Thank you for this! :)  We taught our very young children the Irish 
>Ballad, I Hold Your Hand in Mine, and the Hunting Song. As they got 
>a bit older we taught them Be Prepared... and moved on from there. I 
>am forwarding the link. :D...MB

My parents discovered Lehrer when they were both in grad school in 
Cambridge in the Fifties. I grew up with the songs and then passed 
them on to my daughter. Who got in trouble for singing some of the 
lyrics at school. For some reason, my countless younger siblings 
didn't know the songs. Either my father had tired of imparting them 
or they listened to him less than I had. On a visit once, I sang The 
Irish Ballad for them. (They *loved* the idea of killing each other off.)

My tribe is reasonably described as the set of people who can 
identify the lyric "Don't write naughty words on walls if you can't spell."

Spike replied:

>He bought it, called to me across the lab "OK Spock, let's do it!"
>The others, not aware of the proposal, thought he had called me Spike.

I can't help thinking of the timeline where you'd signed the report 
as Spock Jones.

-- David.

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