[ExI] I, Engineer

David Lubkin lubkin at unreasonable.com
Fri Dec 19 21:36:06 UTC 2014

Sunday I began a daily blog ("I, Engineer") to 
share and discuss some of what I've learned about 
engineering, leading teams, problem-solving, 
etc., from my own career, people I've worked with, and family back to 1928.

As I see it, engineer is another way to say 
creative problem-solver and toolmaker. We all do 
it; it goes with homo sapiens. Or perhaps I should say, homo faber.

It's not extropian per se. Except that what we 
talk about here are tools. Pancritical 
rationalism, E-Prime, nöotropics, and Matrioshka 
brains are cognitive tools. SENS, cryonics, and 
uploading are tools for being around for the 
future. Moving to space solves various species 
and planetary problems. Nanotech is a tool for almost everything.

Of course you're all encouraged to read and to comment, there or privately.


-- David.

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