[ExI] Ape suits, was hard science
Keith Henson
hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 17:23:35 UTC 2014
On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Ben <bbenzai at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Tara Maya <tara at taramayastales.com> wrote:
> >I don't see why. Amoebas are still wandering around in single-cell
> suits, despite being immensely older than 10,000 years, and despite the
> presence of our exalted selves.
> >
> >Not everything old is extinct. Not everything new displaces what it
> replaces.
> OK, what you say is correct, but not relevant to what I mean. Let me
> rephrase: I can't take seriously any kind of long-term projection where
> the major players are still wandering around in meat ape-suits.
I side with Ben on this issue.
If we are to be major players, we will have to upload just to keep up.
And for physical reasons, you can't have a fast mind in a meat body,
the body just can't keep up. I talked about this here:
Recently I have been working on propulsion lasers, which have to be
out in space (GEO to be exact) and need GW of cooling. Taking
thermodynamic at a local university to unrust my skills at this (steam
tables, oh my). Deep ocean is still the best location for a large
compact community.
> I'm not saying that biological humans as they are now /couldn't/ be
> around in thousands of years (there are reasons why they might not be,
> but that's another matter), I'm saying that any that are would be
> extremely unlikely to have the same status as humans do today, and would
> be like amoebas in more ways than one, compared to the beings of
> interest that should be around then (unless, of course, something like
> Ian M Banks' idea of Sublimation is possible).
Biological human are _required_ if you want to write a story about the
future. Otherwise, there are no characters to identify with. Agreed
that they would have a status much like amoebas.
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