[ExI] The second step towards immortality

Martin Sustrik sustrik at 250bpm.com
Mon Jan 6 09:10:07 UTC 2014

Hash: SHA1

On 06/01/14 07:11, Rafal Smigrodzki wrote:

> Finally, trying to restrict copying is likely a futile affair --
> see
>> the ongoing tragicomedy of the entertainment industry vs. the
>> pirates.
> ### I would not be sure about that. Imagine a great music teacher
> who lives exclusively as homeomorphically encrypted copies. You
> copy him, run the copy and tell him "Teach me, I want to be like
> Joshua Bell but I'm broke so you need to work for free". The copy
> tells you to go screw yourself and quits permanently (not before
> burning a lot of cycles you paid for). You can't decrypt the copy.
> You can't make it sing for you, it doesn't have a Play button, you
> can't torture it, it doesn't care about being deleted, it wants to
> get paid by the microsecond of work. The resources that make the 
> copy valuable (its talent as a music teacher) are permanently
> beyond the reach of thieves.
> Now, if encryption costs resources, then minds willing to offers
> themselves in public domain might have great advantages - but not
> necessarily in all situations. I would expect there will be open
> source workers (ranging from subhuman to superhuman in intelligence
> and specializations), remote-access only (not copied) workers, and
> fully encrypted ones as well.

Sorry, I wasn't clear. What I meant was that it's futile to try to
prevent people copying themselves. You can of course prevent others to
copy you, say be checking some global state in Bitcoin blockchain as
Anders have suggested.


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