[ExI] Her

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Jan 18 16:18:01 UTC 2014



>… On Behalf Of Rafal Smigrodzki
Subject: [ExI] Her


>…I just saw Her, and frankly, I am not smitten.  …A gentle, pastel Singularity, written by and for literature majors, has peculiarities…The engineers among you might find the movie intellectually wanting but if you bring a lit or psych major along on this date, you will find a lot to talk about Her…Rafal


I would countersuggest the 2002 movie S1m0ne, which isn’t an AI but rather a human driven simulation which convinces people it is a real person, against the will of the person behind it.  It is a comedy, and is really Hollywood making fun of itself.  Hilarious stuff.  Al Pacino in a comedy role is rare for him, but he made a terrific straight man.  Rafal have you seen S1m0ne?



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