[ExI] What's Wrong With Academic Futurists?

spike spike66 at att.net
Thu Jan 23 04:19:30 UTC 2014



From: extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org
[mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Robin D Hanson
Subject: [ExI] What's Wrong With Academic Futurists?


>.Howdy everyone. I've been away from this list for many years, but thought
I might try it again. I've been lurking for a few days to get a feel, but
not sure it has told me that much. So let me start out by asking a question.


>.There is an academic specialty of futurism. That is, there are professors,
journals, and even some departments which specialize in that topic. Do
people here often read or cite such folks? It seems not, but then the
question is why not. What is the problem with academic futurists such that
people on a future oriented list like this aren't much interested in them?
Robin Hanson  http://hanson.gmu.edu



Welcome back Robin.


I see references to academic futurists, such as the local Singularity
Institute, which is Ray Kurzweil's group.  You're right, there seems to be
fewer references to futurism than there once was, but the traffic here is a
lot lower than it was in the 90s as well.








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