[ExI] siri isn't quite there yet... but goostman is...

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 15:52:45 UTC 2014

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 8:00 AM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

> That being said, we have Goostman now, and it works on a PC or any
> ordinary computer, and I NEED it right NOW because I have an elderly
> relative who could benefit NOW so where can I buy it?

The developers are "Princeton Artificial Intelligence":
http://www.princetonai.com/ .  However, their site appears to be
intermittently down just now.  (Gee, I wonder what could possibly be
causing that?)

When I was able to get to their site, I could not find any contact info.
However, a bit of sleuthing around found a possible match: 195 Nassau St
Ste 18 Princeton NJ 08542 / (609) 924-6966.

If you give them a call to try to talk them into marketing it, could you
please tell us how it went?  Depending on their willingness to talk, I may
have some contacts willing to fund them for an elder care application like
you describe (feel free to mention this to them).  But first we need to
know if they are willing to consider it at all, or if they are bound and
determined to keep their bot in the lab (which, sadly, too many teams like
this are).
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