[ExI] Pew survey

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 19:07:29 UTC 2014

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 7:24 PM, spike wrote:
> BillK, your being from Jolly Olde, and a subject of Her Majesty, you are
> able to speak freely here without the threat of an IRS audit.  Please sir,
> what do you think of all this?  Any of you others, especially those who live
> in or have lived in nations where the government has dictatorial power, what
> do you think of all this please?

(We also have to be careful not to upset the UK Inland Revenue)!  :)

I think that one of the fundamental principles of civilisation is
equality of all under the law. That seems to be collapsing rapidly in
the West. The law is becoming a weapon to support those in power and
victimise the rest of the population. The police and courts also
become weapons to support the powerful. If a senior judge offends
them, they appoint a more cooperative one.

When the law of the land is corrupted in this fashion, a time of great
trouble looms ahead.


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