[ExI] ants again

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Jun 21 22:03:25 UTC 2014

>.Spike, did you feel like a god as you experimented with the warring ants?

And did you ever think about trying to bring peace to their lives?  Create

a barrier between them?  Or deploy pheromones?  Oh,and how about a flood!

Lol  John


I can imagine bringing peace to ours.  Observation: if you put your finger
near an ant nest (that species) the ants will bite and sting.  I
demonstrated to my own satisfaction that when these ants are engaged in a
war, they do not sting.  Theory: if we can induce an ant war, they will
fight each other and not bite us.  Reasoning: ants communicate through some
unknown chemical means.  That particular chemical, which tells the warriors
"Get em girls!" is extant during an ant war.  I put my finger several feet
away from the battleground and the ants went right around it to get to the
battle.  I never did get a bite or a sting.  The warring ants are somehow
analogous to swarming bees.


So, to answer your question John, no I don't want to bring peace to their
lives.  I want to bring war to their lives, and peace to ours.




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