[ExI] blue screen = hard disk crash?

spike spike66 at att.net
Mon Jun 30 18:26:26 UTC 2014



>… On Behalf Of Adrian Tymes
"spike" <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
>> It feels to me that the USA is treading the same path of Germany in the 1930s…

>…But the Bush stepped down at the end of his second term.

>…Oh, you meant Obama?  We'll see at the end of 2016, but all indications are that he will too…

I don’t doubt he will vacate the office in 2016, that’s not the question.  It is all the powers he has amassed for the executive branch that worry me.  Remember the other major party has abused power as well: Nixon did this kind of thing 40 yrs ago.

>…Also: Godwin's Law.  Whatever you were trying to prove, you just failed.  This is precisely the sort of situation that law covers.

Indeed not sir.  Godwin’s law is not applicable when one is making comparisons to actual political leaders.  Where Godwin’s law applies is in the absurd expansion of Hitler parallels.  

If we are disallowed from comparing any nation’s top executive to Hitler, then we learned exactly nothing from the bitter lessons of that dictator’s rise to power.


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