[ExI] putin and the three pirates problem
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 19:28:47 UTC 2014
I can't see any way to lose in this situation provided we let Russia take
Crimea. They have lost face with the international community (check out
what Zakaria has to say), scared Poland and others and will win a small
state that is already mostly Russian and we get Ukraine in the European
community along with others that may be waffling.
This is a public relations nightmare for Russia. bill
On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 1:06 PM, Adrian Tymes <atymes at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 3, 2014 9:29 AM, "spike" <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> > The current situation in Ukraine reminds me of that scenario. Europe
> > (including Ukraine) is one participant, (Obama plus the rest of the
> world)
> > is one participant, Putin is the third, and Crimea is the bag of gold.
> > Being the dealer, Putin can take as much as he wants now, knowing that
> > neither the US nor Europe will fire.
> How do you figure? Europe and the US know that they won't fire at each
> other.
> > If the situation is vaguely analogous, then I make the following
> prediction
> > based on what little I know about a Nash equilibrium: Putin will
> effectively
> > annex Crimea and a broad defensible swath of land either side along the
> > shores of the Black Sea, and not a shot will be fired.
> You may be right, but because the American military is unable to take
> another engagement at this time (it already fired and has yet to reload),
> and Europe is unable to project much power (it never loaded the gun it now
> has).
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