[ExI] hard science
bbenzai at yahoo.com
Sat May 3 17:11:31 UTC 2014
Tomaz Kristan wrote:
"We could put some rules in advance, what is permitted and what not. At
the trivial case, where no change beyond the current human mind
architecture is allowed and even possible, we would have no new variety.
We could have only certain type of them. For this, some rules should be
adopted in advance. I don't say it's easy, I say it's possible to put
certain limits."
By whom, and to whom? And how enforced? And how does this hypothetical
enforcer decide just what kinds of mind should be 'permitted?'
Have a think about the kinds of people/organisations that have a desire
to 'permit' certain things, and not others.
Be careful what you wish for!
Ben Zaiboc
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