[ExI] Heroic Attempt to save a life

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sun May 25 22:18:25 UTC 2014

On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 3:30 AM, David Pizer wrote:
> Ron's mother deanimated suddenly in December. There was no time or funding
> to arrange anything beyond a temporary chemical preservation that  the local
> mortuary could do. The body was embalmed, with the usual formalin as the
> main fixative, and with emphasis on the brain, then her brain was removed by
> a pathologist and stored in formalin fixative.
> The Venturists are trying to raise money so that cryogenic storage at a
> public facility for Betty's brain, her mind,  will become possible. This
> procedure could be preceded by cryoprotectant perfusion by slow diffusion,
> as has happened for some other brain-only cases. Overall, it would cost
> $15,000 to convert her suspension to cryopreservation.

I appreciate that this is a tragic situation for those involved.

But to discuss the technical aspects, I am a bit surprised that
storage in formalin is considered adequate for a few years. If this is
correct, then it means that the current emergency standby procedures
for transfusion as soon as possible after death are unnecessary. Or,at
least, just a preferable (though expensive) option.

Any comments from cryonics experts?


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