[ExI] Lockheed skunkworks announcement about fusion
Mirco Romanato
painlord2k at libero.it
Sat Oct 18 12:22:32 UTC 2014
Il 16/10/2014 23:54, spike ha scritto:
> Tom, Mirco, my bogosity meter hit the peg so hard it bent the needle.
> The reason nickel powder seems to keep cropping up is if you take the
> nucleon energy of a certain nickel isotope and compare it with the
> nucleon energy of a certain copper isotope (don't recall all the neutron
> numbers) you can imagine how a conversion would release reasonable
> amounts of energy, if you could somehow catalyze the reaction (which I
> doubt with sufficient confidence that I risk my reputation by stating my
> unreserved skepticism.)
What I read before is little different:
the copper in the fuel was detected in early samples given by Rossi a
few years ago, but he never told copper was a byproduct of the reaction.
He apparently stated, and I remember him hinting this at the time, that
the sample was probably contaminated by the recipient.
At the time, leaving around some red (copper) herrings would appear to
be useful to mislead the competition.
In the current samples there is no copper at all.
Just Nickel, iron, hydrogen.
> That isn't what really convinced me about this notion of a truck-borne
> 100MW generator.
In fact, Rossi built just three 1 MW containerized generators (we know
about) and they were built using 30+ modular 33 KW modules. He had a bit
of problem building these containerized generators (just to heat water)
because this is not his field of expertise.
In fact, his e-cat (but now it is Industrial Heat Inc. e-cat) had in the
last few years gone through various incremental steps of performances.
The first device showed was large like a car silencer and was barely
able to heat water to the boiling point (and they had problems, from
what Levi told in an interview, with run off reactions at higher
Then it become more modular, more smaller and more able to manage higher
temperature. The reactor tested in Switzerland, in a third party
laboratory, was able to have the reactor to run a over 1.000 °C for 30 days.
To answer to Anders:
They did the test for 32 days in a third party laboratory (not
controlled or owned by Rossi's, nor by the testers). They recorded, in
video, the experiment. They took, themselves, the samples first and
after the experiments.
Rossi was involved just to switch on and off the reactor and was never
present the other time.
Now, we have mainly three possibilities:
1) These experts and professors are fools and incompetents
2) These experts and professors are accomplices.
3) There is something there
Now the document you linked tell us some interesting things:
1) "In the course of the year following the previous tests, the E-Cat’s
technology was transferred to Industrial Heat LLC, United States, where
it was replicated and improved."
So, it is no more Rossi's e-cat, it is Industrial Heat Inc. e-cat they
are testing.
2) "The present E-Cat reactor is therefore an improved version running
at higher temperature than the one used in the March 2013 experiment."
It is my opinion it is more difficult to fake higher temperatures for
ten times the same period of time. If it is a scam, it is an Olympic
level scam.
3) "Since we required that our measurements be carried out in an
independent laboratory with our own equipment, the experiment was
purposely set-up and hosted within an industrial establishment which was
not in any way connected with Andrea Rossi’s businesses or those of his
partners. The test was thus performed in Barbengo (Lugano), Switzerland,
in a laboratory placed at our disposal by Officine Ghidoni SA."
The list of co-cospirators continue to grow.
Not only Rossi, the professors of Bologna University, the professors of
Uppsala University, the people of Industrial Heat and the owners of
"Officine Ghidoni SA" in Switzerland.
4) The photo of the new and improved e-cat show a smaller device. Even
more difficult to miniaturize the hidden energy source.
Now, I'm Italian, so I will not rule out a scam, nor will rule out they
are dishonest, fools or worse but on the other side I will not rule out
they have something real.
Anders wrote:
"Nonono, that is another, far more suspicious claim! That is the cold
fusion Italian guy Andrea Rossi's E-Cat. And the elforsk results are
generally regarded as suspicious; "
Why are Elforsk results generally regarded as suspicious?
Do they are heavily staffed with employees from Naples' Scampia?
Do the people working there known incompetents and fools?
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