[ExI] 26 inch tube
spike66 at att.net
Fri Oct 24 04:02:24 UTC 2014
> >> ... they had packaged
> >> a 26 inch tube in a box labelled 20 inch, so of course the tube
> >> didn’t fit. I walked the bike home mumbling and cursing a pox on...
> >> Then it occurred to me: that longer tube might have worked anyway.
> >> It would have a section which folded back on itself, which would
> >> make the tire unbalanced, but for low speeds such as on a typical
> >> recumbent, that wouldn’t matter much. Question: can anyone think of a reason why a longer inner tube
> >> wouldn’t work?
> >>
> >> spike
> >>
>...I am pretty sure enough air would leak past a fold to inflate that section, especially as it can come at the fold from both sides...
Me too.
>...If you could arrange it so that there were two half size folds at pi radians then it wouldn't even be that unbalanced.
Cool, I think you are right. That double fold idea was a great aha-insight. Now I have half a mind to take out the 20 inch tube and try your idea, just to show it can be done.
Thanks Dsvid!
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