[ExI] The Universe is disappearing

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 22:28:02 UTC 2015

Sad news.


Today's galaxies are only producing half as much energy as galaxies
were two billion years ago, says the project's head Simon Driver of
the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research in Western

"What we're seeing is that at every single wavelength, the amount of
energy being generated today is almost a factor of two less than the
amount of energy that was generated two billion years ago," says

"That tells us that the universe is essentially dying. It's now fading
and dwindling and diminishing, and that result is robust regardless of
whether dark energy or dark matter is right or wrong, it doesn't
depend on any cosmological model."

The researchers calculate the oldest lowest mass stars, which burn
through their fuel very slowly, should keep shining for about another
100 billion years.

"So it's rather bleak I'm afraid," says Driver.
"The Universe will decline from here on in, sliding gently into old
age. The Universe has basically sat down on the sofa, pulled up a
blanket and is about to nod off for an eternal doze,” concludes Simon

And if you add in the expansion of the universe, only about 3%
(three!) of the galaxies we can see now can ever be reached by us,
even travelling at the speed of light.

While no galaxy has literally disappeared to the point where it’s
invisible, 97% of them have disappeared in the sense that they’re
unreachable to us, and that the light they’re emitting today will
never reach us. The galaxies are still visible, but only due to their
old light.

So future generations have two problems --

1) How to get the universe restarted.

2) Space travel greater than light speed if we want to leave our galaxy.
(Although one galaxy should be enough for anyone!).

That reminds me of the Bill Gates comment that 640K should be enough
memory for anyone.  :)


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