[ExI] Old Nutrition Studies
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 15:50:26 UTC 2015
On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 10:13 AM, Brian Manning Delaney <
listsb at infinitefaculty.org> wrote:
> El 2015-08-24 a las 05:46, Jason Resch escribió:
>> My only contention with what you say below is that according to the
>> largest meta-study to date, it appears that saturated fats are harmless.
> Which study is that?
> Thanks,
> Brian
I'll answer that: P.W. Piri-Tarino, etc. "Meta analysis of Prospective
Cohort studies
Evaluating the Association of Saturated Fat with Cardiovascular Disease."
American Journal of clinical Nutrition 91, no.3 March 2010 535-46 340,000
Ss, 21 studies
As Grain Brain says: page 80 - " intake of saturated fat was not associated
with an increased risk of coronary disease, stroke, or cardiovascular
disease" Other studies show that cholesterol intake does not correlate
with cholesterol levels. Saturated fat intake is actually causing (excuse
me, correlated with) a 19% decrease in heart disease.
So I am going back to red meat (but not franks, ham, bacon, sausage,
bologna, etc.).
bill w
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