[ExI] [Bulk] Re: Virtual Reality is where the aliens are

Adrian Tymes atymes at gmail.com
Thu Aug 27 19:51:35 UTC 2015

On Aug 27, 2015 8:59 AM, "spike" <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> From: extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On
Behalf Of Adrian Tymes
> Subject: Re: [ExI] [Bulk] Re: Virtual Reality is where the aliens are
> >> >…So what will you do with your advantage?  There is no inherent duty,
no required activity imposed by the universe.  There simply is what you
are.  Congratulations, you rolled well so far; now what?
> >
> >>… Sheesh, I don’t know.  All MBrain calculations all the time?
> >…You're not a MBrain yet.  What will you do with the advantage you have
right now, today?
> Calculations on the design of MBrains I meant.  I created two videos for
Khan Academy introducing the notion of MBrains, but as far as I know they
didn’t use them.  That isn’t really what Khan Academy is about.  But there
might be a forum somewhere where ideas like this gather to play.
> Is there a web place where wacky scientific ideas gather in  video format?

Only if by "gather" you mean "repository where the videos are dumped in
case anyone wants to refer to them".  For that there is YouTube, among
other services.

Video does not lend itself to a good format for public discussion, which is
what I presume you mean by "forum".  The resources (hardware and knowledge)
needed to create video at all, and especially to be good at it, are far
greater than those needed for text.

Videos are more for presentation: one-way, one-to-many bursts of
communication.  Videos about non-mainstream ideas must usually start with,
why should the audience (the general public, in this case) care?  Otherwise
they will not care, and the videos will be a wasted effort, as nearly no
one will watch them.
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