[ExI] Religious Idiocy Triumphs Over Science Yet Again

Ben bbenzai at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 11 18:44:07 UTC 2015

Spike explained:

"Tara one of your ancestors could have been a wartime rape victim"

Where 'could have been', given what we know about human nature, probably 
means 'almost certainly was'. And I'm not sure about the need to add the 
condition 'wartime'. People can be, and have been, and are, rape victims 
in the most peaceful of times as well as in wartime.

Sorry to be blunt about it, but while we can't shape our own minds, 
we'll remain subject to our evolved natures. That includes some pretty 
nasty things. I'm sure there are murderers, rapists, and victims, among 
my own ancestors as well as yours, and everyone else's.

We have a long way to go, but I do think we have made a start.

Ben Zaiboc

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