[ExI] internet security

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 16:55:07 UTC 2015

On 19 January 2015 at 16:01, spike  wrote:
> Suppose a small group of people are working together on a project which they
> don't want leaked.  Nothing illegal, just sensitive information, such as
> medical stuff perhaps, family business, a commercial product a group is
> developing, that sort of thing, nothing any government or press would care
> about, but something the group doesn't want leaked.  The traffic includes
> spreadsheets, word documents, sensitive data and a closed group of about 6
> people.
> Is there any reason to distrust email?  If so is there any advantage to
> using a site such as SPOKT or equivalent, some additional password protected
> site of that nature?  These services don't encrypt as far as I know, so it
> looks to me from a security point of view they are equivalent to email.

Dropbox is free (up to 2GB) and encrypted.
Set up a shared folder, then set up the people allowed to edit the folder.
(Don't tick the box to allow the editors to invite other people to be members).


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