[ExI] i'll bee seeing you... was: RE: old software fun (spike)

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 20:55:31 UTC 2015

On 14 July 2015 at 14:38, spike  wrote:
> Ja, there are perhaps a dozen ways to make this happen.  I have been trying
> to compare habits of my two main pollinators out back: honeybees and
> bumblebees.  Everything else combined would be down in the buzzing noise.
> Those two bugs definitely make sounds that differ from each other.
> Microphones are cheap and I know how to do realtime FFTs on them, so it
> should be easy to recognize pollinators from their sound.  My intuition
> tells me that problem is easy enough that someone has already done it better
> than I can do now.  I just need to find that person or product.

There is a group here that glued RFID chips on 1,000 bees and tracked them!
Now that takes patience.


Tagged bees causing a buzz in disease research
Using the RFID tags in combination with observations at the hives and
artificial flowers, the researchers were able to see how hard the bees
worked and what kind of material they gathered.


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