[ExI] Support the WHO doing aging research - ACT NOW DEADLINE TODAY 30th!
Adam A. Ford
tech101 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 11:43:13 UTC 2015
Hi all,
Want to have a high impact on aging strategy today? - just fill out these
simple online surveys <http://www.who.int/ageing/consultation/en/> (if you
have not yet done so). It's easy, and doesn't involve money or credit
cards. Easy Peasy!
Comment on the 5 strategic objectives proposed in draft zero
The draft zero proposes the following 5 strategic objectives. You may
comment on each section in turn.
Click on the links below to comment
- 1. Committing to foster healthy ageing in every country
- 2. Aligning health systems to the needs of older populations
- 3. Developing long-term care systems
- 4. Creating age-friendly environments
- 5. Improving measuring, monitoring and understanding
By doing so you are influencing the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION's strategy
for ageing going forward. I'm told this is a once in a multi-decade
opportunity. So do it :)
Kind regards,
Adam A. Ford
Chair - Science, Technology & the Future <http://scifuture.org>,
Director - Future
Day <http://futureday.org>, Co-Orgnaniser - Effective Altruism Global
(Melbourne) <http://eaglobal/melbourne>
Chair - Singularity Summit Australia
<http://singularitysummit.com.au>, Director
- Humanity+ Australasia <http://au.humanityplus.org>
Mob: +61 421 979 977 | Email: tech101 at gmail.com
* Science, Technology & the Future <http://scifuture.org>* (Meetup
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*Future Day <http://futureday.org> - "Join the conversation on Future Day
March 1st to explore the possibilities about how the future is transforming
us. You can celebrate Future Day however you like, the ball is in your
court — feel free to send a photo of your Future Day gatherings to
info at futureday.org <info at futureday.org>, and your jubilation may wind up
being commemorated on the Future Day website and the Facebook page!
SciFuture <http://scifuture.org> | Humanity+ Australia
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<http://FutureDay.org>| Effective
Altruism Global <http://eaglobal.org>
"A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move
toward higher levels." ("Atomic Education Urged by Albert Einstein", New
York Times, 25 May 1946)
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