[ExI] nutrition again

Henry Rivera hrivera at alumni.virginia.edu
Thu Apr 14 11:22:37 UTC 2016

> On Apr 12, 2016, at 10:06 AM, William Flynn Wallace <foozler83 at gmail.com> wrote:
> ​I see in the paper today that Goldman Sachs has been fined $5 billion dollars by the gov for misleading investors around 2008.  So if individuals are not being punished, at least some companies are.  You have to wonder who got the axe in these companies as a result of the crash that we just don't know about because it's not national news.  I suspect that many got fired who aided the crash, but maybe that's just hope.
According to this interview, this penalty is light and won't deter the problematic behavior.  A cost/benefit analysis by the banks will lead them down this path again. And thus why would they bother firing staff (unless it's a PR move).


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