[ExI] nutrition - phthlates

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 20:48:57 UTC 2016

On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 1:10 PM, Dave Sill <sparge at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 1:40 PM, William Flynn Wallace <
> foozler83 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> ​I do grow a lot of my food and realize that most of you can't​.  Many
>> people can't cook or won't learn how, or don't have time, or go contrary
>> "Well, everything is bad for you and you have to die of
>> something.........." and thus just buy or eat anything they like.
>> ​Basic problem:  all of this is just way too big for a person to handle,
>> to make some kind of influence on​, and so we just read the paper and wag
>> our heads and thrust them into the sand.
> Sure, but there's a huge spectrum of behaviors between "anything goes" and
> "nothing is safe". Avoiding all risk is obviously impossible but some
> simple rules could go a long way for just about everyone. If you can't grow
> your own food you can probably still buy locally-grown food from a farmer's
> market, farmer, neighbor, etc. If you don't cook you can learn. If you
> don't have time you can learn to prioritize and manage your time. But if "I
> don't have time" is really "eh, I don't really care, I'd rather watch more
> cat videos/Kardashian shows/whatever than learn about ways to be healthy
> and live longer", then I have no sympathy.
> -Dave

​DNA and evolution and whoever and whatever got us here did a fantastic
job, but look at how flawed we are.  Selfish, narrow-minded, short-sighted,
all sorts of cognitive errors practically built in, ability to think in
abstractions limited to less than half the population.  How lazy we are is
a matter of debate

​A great many famous men and women have regarded most of humanity as little
more than cannon fodder.  Nice people, most of them, but if they were all
we had, we'd never have had any science at all.​  Most of them still regard
science as highly suspicious and would rather believe religious figures,
magic, common sense, superstitions et al.

So, I might add, it is so nice to be among you all, the top percentiles of
the population.  Many days this chat group provides me with the only
intelligent conversations I get.  Thanks!

Bill W

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