[ExI] Political correctness consequences
Michael LaTorra
mlatorra at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 13:22:27 UTC 2016
Political Correctness is like the fable of "The Emperor's New Clothes" in
reverse. In the fable, the con artists told the emperor and royal court
that only the best, most refined people could actually see the non-existent
clothes. The advocates of Political Correctness tell everyone that only
racist, sexist, xenophobic, stupid, evil people could not see the validity
of PC. The PC advocates claim that PC "is just being polite" and so on.
Disagreeing with them can be bad for your reputation and career.
Surveys of American universities show that faculties have moved much
farther to the Left over the past 20+ years. And most faculty don't believe
there is anything wrong with that, because only stupid, evil people could
disagree with what most faculty believe. Right? This trend is most
pronounced in humanities departments. (As a retired professor of English, I
can attest to that.)
Psychologist Jonathan Haidt (author of "The Righteous Mind") has banded
together with other academics who believe that viewpoint diversity is at
least as important as the racial and sexual diversity that PC social
justice warriors focus on. Haidt et al have created the Heterodox Academy
organization. Check out their website for many interesting articles.
On Jul 31, 2016 9:38 AM, "Giulio Prisco" <giulio at gmail.com> wrote:
> The liberal "intellectual elites" should listen to this warning, and
> try to revers ethe trend.
> On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 3:31 PM, BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:
> > At the risk of starting up the Trump / Brexit arguments again, this
> > article from a financial blog seems to risk saying what the PC media
> > avoid.
> > Note that this is from a professional investor who has to forecast
> > fairly well in order to make money.
> >
> > <https://capitalistexploits.at/2016/07/trump-victory/>
> >
> > Why A Politically Correct West Ensures A Trump Victory
> > In Global Trends by Chris MacIntosh July 29, 2016
> >
> > Quotes:
> >
> > What we’re dealing with today is a crisis in political correctness.
> >
> > But the man on the street is no longer buying it. He’s not that
> > stupid. He understands and sees with his own eyes, even if his rulers
> > try to distract him.
> >
> > This is one reason that Brexit is taking place. A populace,
> > increasingly distrustful of the establishment and horrified by the
> > consequences of the actions already taken by the ruling class, look
> > around them in search of someone who will say out loud what they
> > whisper to each other behind closed doors.
> >
> > Brexit was a huge plus for Donald Trump. It provided legitimacy to the
> > rhetoric of Trump’s campaign: “Don’t vote for the establishment
> > (Hillary), vote for me.” “Let’s make America great again” speaks the
> > same language that Nigel Farage was speaking. Importantly, Trump
> > doesn’t pander to politically correct anything.
> > -------------
> >
> > Like him or loath him, Nigel Farage provided an increasingly horrified
> > citizenry with a crystal clear message which never tried to pander to
> > political correctness. A populace under attack (because Europe is most
> > certainly under attack) found a level of honesty in the Brexit
> > campaign, which was sorely lacking with the “remain campaign” and they
> > voted for it.
> >
> > When only right-wing demagogues are prepared to say what a politically
> > correct establishment is unwilling to say, then it will be right-wing
> > demagogues that are elected to power.
> >
> > Expect this trend to accelerate – first bringing Trump to power in the
> > US and followed by massive changes in Europe, something I’ll cover
> > next week, including what I think is the easiest short in history and
> > how it is likely to play out.
> > ------------
> >
> >
> > BillK
> >
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