[ExI] Signal
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 23:36:23 UTC 2016
Especially in the likely event you live in a free state, hear the footsteps.
> This election will likely destroy both of the mainstream parties, and good
> riddance to both. What will fill that vacuum?
Maybe someone will start paying attention to the middle class. The ratings
of our government, excluding Obama, are at, I think, historical lows, for
both parties but particularly for the Repubs.
Congress is simply not doing what the people want, if you can believe
polls.. Repubs are against things the majority of Americans are for, such
as low rules for abortion. I guess they just don't care and are voting
their ideology rather than trying to represent the people.
But the big question is; can moderates win? Does one have to be a big
talking demagogue to win?
So this election could be decided by the apathetic ones who are disgusted
and won't vote.
I think Hillary needs to drop bombs and avoid anything subtle or difficult
for the average person to undersand. Got on the attack as strongly as
possible. Get nasty. Humiliate him. Trump surely will and has.
I'll vote for her but damned if i know what her positions are. Actually
I don't even care.
Need I say that we need politicians that have some integrity? Statesmen,
we used to call them.
p.s. the themes of scifi and fantasy are often those of war,love and social
struggles, like mainstream fiction.But take a look at Ninefox Gambit.
ill w
On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 3:37 PM, BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 14 August 2016 at 19:53, spike wrote:
> <snip>
> > So don’t vote for him. That was easy. Hear the footsteps, John.
> > Especially in the likely event you live in a free state, hear the
> footsteps.
> > This election will likely destroy both of the mainstream parties, and
> good
> > riddance to both. What will fill that vacuum?
> >
> Facts don't matter, or change opinions. Both Trump and Clinton are
> manipulating emotions. The one with the best stories that get people
> stirred up will win. There are an awful lot of people that are fed up
> with politics as it has affected them since the 2008 crisis. Clinton
> is linked to the 'business as usual' politics that many people don't
> want.
> If Trump was a Mr Ed talking horse he'd still win.
> BillK
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