[ExI] Brain prosthetic startup
pharos at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 08:16:16 UTC 2016
On 17 August 2016 at 08:41, Anders Sandberg wrote:
> Ted Berger is commercializing the research on the hippcaompus chip:
> http://spectrum.ieee.org/the-human-os/biomedical/bionics/new-startup-aims-to-commercialize-a-brain-prosthetic-to-improve-memory
> http://kernel.co/
> This is the first brain prosthetic - normal deep brain stimulation just
> sends signals into the brain in the right spot to balance a malfunction
> crudely, but this aims at performing a function. And yes, it can be used for
> enhancement:
> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3919468/
Interesting. But to keep this relevant to the list objectives, how
does this affect Trump's election prospects?
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