[ExI] Cosmopolitanism, collective epistemology and other issues
Anders Sandberg
anders at aleph.se
Sun Jul 10 14:47:59 UTC 2016
On 2016-07-10 15:16, spike wrote:
> BillK, I don't see why this is considered a big crisis. If the Brits
> collectively decide this was a bad idea, they can vote to rejoin the
> EU, ja?
Not really. Joining or leaving the EU is a very complex legal and
bureaucratic process, so if Article 50 gets invoked there will be at
least 5+ years of no free trade and endless diplomacy for the
leave/rejoin process. And invoking another UK referendum before that
would require political capital none of the parties have: they are both
near splitting right now, and any PM triggering a new referendum would
likely also trigger the final breakup of the current parties.
In theory it is likely as easy as California leaving or rejoining the
US, I guess. (OK, that is an exaggeration, the US is a bit more tightly
I am feeling smug I applied for a position on an EU ethics board on the
referendum night with both my UK and Swedish office addresses; I might
end up commuting by train to Brussels to do EU work from a non-EU country.
Dr Anders Sandberg
Future of Humanity Institute
Oxford Martin School
Oxford University
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