[ExI] Wise Donald Trump

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 16:29:24 UTC 2016

​OK I admit it, I just don't get it.

*Accusation*: Trump thinks we should torture people just for the sake of
*Rebuttal:* Yeah but Hillary had a insecure Email server.
*​:* Trump wants to encourage lots of other countries to get Nuclear
Weapons including
Saudi Arabia
*Rebuttal:* Yeah but Hillary had a insecure Email server.

 Trump refused to take the
​first ​
use of nuclear weapons
off the table
in any situation, including in Europe or the Middle East
*Rebuttal:* Yeah but Hillary had a insecure Email server.
*Accusation​:​* Trump
​ wants to increase government censorship by making libel laws much
tougher.  ​

*Rebuttal: *Yeah but Hillary had a insecure Email server.
*Accusation​:​* Trump
​ wants to reduce free trade and start trade wars.​

*Rebuttal: *Yeah but Hillary had a insecure Email server.
*Accusation​:​* Trump
​ wants to consider renouncing the national debt.
*Rebuttal:* Yeah but Hillary had a insecure Email server.
*Accusation​:​ *Trump
​ thinks vaccination causes autism. ​

*Rebuttal: *Yeah but Hillary had a insecure Email server.
*Accusation​:​* Trump
​ thinks women should be punished for having abortions.

*Rebuttal: *Yeah but Hillary had a insecure Email server.
*Accusation​:​* Trump
​ wants to build a fucking wall.

*Rebuttal:* Yeah but Hillary had a insecure Email server.

​I just don't get it.

  John K Clark​
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