[ExI] Wise Donald Trump
spike66 at att.net
Thu Jun 2 18:55:28 UTC 2016
>… On Behalf Of Will Steinberg
Subject: Re: [ExI] Wise Donald Trump
>…Spike, I must say you're being incredibly naive. Vote for one of the two or throw your vote away…
Will, that attitude is exactly what keeps us choosing between bad alternatives. Who is telling us there are only two choices? That guy up on the screen? Do I hear approaching footsteps?
>… The only reason I could honestly think of why you have this opinion is a deep-seated and perhaps unknown to your conscious mind misogyny…
I see. So all those who abhorred Sarah Palin were misogynists? If you opposed her policies or anything else about her, too bad pal, you are a misogynist. You hate women, can’t have one as VP. Will, what was your opinion on Sarah Palin?
Same BS we heard for anyone who opposed Obama, regardless of the reason: we were racists. That is the only reason we could possibly oppose him, absolutely regardless of his positions. You see where that got us. We have now the most corrupt administration in US history.
I didn’t buy the racist bit, and I am not buying the sexist part either. I didn’t like Palin because I thought she was unqualified for VP. I didn’t like Obamao because I thought he was unqualified for P. No racism, no sexism. Resumes only.
>… Hillary is more of the same. She did some illegal and immoral bullshit, just like all the past presidents.
This one is different Will. We already know this one is corrupt on the way in. We already know she is vulnerable to blackmail. I don’t think we have a single other example of that in history. Do we? Who?
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