[ExI] Wise Donald Trump

John Clark johnkclark at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 01:08:43 UTC 2016

On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 3:11 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:

> ​> ​
> Waterboarding is still illegal, even if the president approves.
Waterboarding is no more illegal today than it ever was, it's just
​ ​
​ ​
President Obama
​ ​
as chief law enforcement officer and Commander in Chief ordered it stopped
in January 2009
​ ​
as soon as he came into office, but President Trump could
 it back in January 2017 along
​with ​
something "*a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding. Even if it doesn’t
work they deserve it anyway*".
​I don't know what the "something" Trump's perverted little mind was
imagining (Crucifixion? Burning at the stake? D
rawing and quartering
​?​) and I hope I never find out.
Trump says he will also order the military to murder the wives and children
of suspected terrorists
​, but the head of the CIA, the

​head of the NSA and the ​
Joint Chiefs of Staff
​ at the Pentagon all say they would refuse to obey such an order from
their president. ​That would mean a mutiny between the military and civil
authority and, although I never thought I'd say this, I'd be on the side of
the military in the resulting coup.

Hillary gave a speech yesterday, it was the same one Trump wants to put her
in prison for, she said:

t matters when he
​ [Trump]​
says he’ll order our military to murder the families of suspected
terrorists. During the raid to kill bin Laden, when every second counted,
our SEALs took the time to move the women and children in the compound to
safety. Donald Trump may not get it, but that’s what honor looks like.

She may end up in one of Trump's gulags because of it but ​
​ should be proud of that speech.

 John K Clark​
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