[ExI] request to tone down politics, was: RE: Wise...

spike spike66 at att.net
Sat Jun 4 16:39:13 UTC 2016



>… On Behalf Of Will Steinberg
Subject: Re: [ExI] request to tone down politics, was: RE: Wise...


>…Spike, the juiciest stuff will never be FOIA-able, and the shadiest people will never have their titles or persons revealed to the public.  That's my strong opinion.




Will, recall that passage in Orwell’s Nineteen Eight-Four where the telescreens (those watching/listening/broadcasting devices that tell the proles what they think (Orwell’s brilliant semi-satirical take on mainstream media)) and constantly watch for conspiracies against Oceana.  The inner circle members are allowed to turn off their telescreens for reasonable periods of time (such as 18 minutes) if necessary.  The outer circle may not.  See third paragraph, chapter 1, Nineteen Eighty-Four.


Orwell foresaw so much, but didn’t have anything in there about masses of proles hacking into the telescreen network.  He didn’t foresee that the official communications network is useless for totalitarian dictators, because everything there is archived and can theoretically be accessed by inspectors and government watchdogs.  In order to use that network for such purposes as yoga and wedding plans, an inner circle member must first figure out a way to neutralize the office of Inspector General, not that this has ever happened.


Oh, wait…




Will, if you haven’t read Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, for evolution’s sake stop whatever you are doing and read it now, cover to cover please.  It won’t even cost you anything:





Orwell’s Ministry of Truth’s slogans:

               WAR IS PEACE

               FREEDOM IS SLAVERY



Those three slogans could be used for the current three remaining candidates, Clinton, Sanders and Trump respectively.  Were Bill Clinton running today, his slogan could be




Will, Orwell saw this coming.  Read it my son, read it now, read it all, you’re welcome.



















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