[ExI] libertarian party

spike spike66 at att.net
Tue Jun 7 01:31:55 UTC 2016


>… On Behalf Of William Flynn Wallace
Subject: [ExI] libertarian party


People who devote their greatest passion to the cause of legalizing drugs, challenging the age of consent, and removing limitations on the ownership of fully automatic weaponry are not really in the business of attracting a broader following. As a political party, the Libertarians have always been more party than political.

here's the whole article:







Ja.  I have never had much reason to doubt the conventional wisdom, that third parties can never win, that Libertarians are not really about winning so much as hoisting both parties upward, that sort of thing.  But this is such an oddball year, when America woke up one day and realized both mainstream parties had made deplorable choices, both choosing reprehensible characters.  


Suddenly the LP had a big opportunity.  Then they immediately set about cheerfully squandering it.  It is the classic case of the old hound dog chasing cars for years, then having no idea what to do when one day he unexpectedly catches one.



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