[ExI] Progress

Keith Henson hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 13:55:40 UTC 2016


The two dozen of you on this mailing have known about me and the cult,
some of you since I got involved more than 20 years ago.  For a while
I was a refugee in Canada and spent time locked up in solitary
confinement.  It had effects on other parts of my life, biasing me
against the US.  The government should protect people against
criminals, not help the criminals make people's lives miserable.
Calling a criminal operation a religion does not make it better.
Putting the cult out of business is still to be done, but they have
10% of the members they had in 1995 when they went after the internet
(and me) and the media is no longer scared of them.  This story would
not have happened or been told about 20 years ago.


Best wishes,


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