[ExI] Circumcision
Anders Sandberg
anders at aleph.se
Wed Jun 15 21:06:41 UTC 2016
On 2016-06-15 20:03, Adrian Tymes wrote:
> There is of course this old (by now) take on it:
> "What do I care for your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than
> information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind.
> The lesson is simple: you have received the information, now act on
> it. Take control of the input and you shall become master of the output."
> I wonder if that still holds, given what has been discovered since
> that came out.
I was actually playing that game earlier tonight. Still valid, still
words of wisdom.
Psychological pain management can be associative or dissociative. The
dissociative approach is to ignore the pain and think about or do other
things. Associative pain management on the other hand involves focusing
on the pain and re-evaluating it so that it does not cause suffering.
You could say you mindfully concentrate on it until it loses meaning.
Or as brother Lal would say:
Once a man has changed the relationship between himself and his
environment, he cannot return to the blissful ignorance he left. Motion,
of necessity, involves a change in perspective.
Dr Anders Sandberg
Future of Humanity Institute
Oxford Martin School
Oxford University
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