[ExI] Circumcision
spike66 at att.net
Thu Jun 16 14:52:21 UTC 2016
-----Original Message-----
From: extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf
Of BillK
>...I have the feeling that all this philosophising about pain and suffering
is all very well and good.
But it will get thrown out as soon as raging toothache, bad migraine or
gallstone blockage pain arrives.
When you are writhing in pain, screaming for codeine, philosophy somehow
doesn't seem that important. ;) BillK
Well said sir. Nowthen, why do we subject babies to it? The justification
questionable at best, when the risks are well known.
I had an idea. In those benighted times of my birth (60s) I would estimate
97 percent of the students had circumcision (based on about one guy in a
typical PE class of 30 was uncut.) OK so the argument was made back then
that it is bad if boys get teased (he wasn't as far as I know.) So what
happens in the transition, when the cut ones become the minority? Are they
then singled out as undesirable religious cult minorities?
So now since we are being all sensitive and gender all-inclusive, let us
create a non-showers PE option in high schools. Some high schools already
accept transfers of credits down from the local community college which have
no-showers PE classes, such as bowling for instance. That would solve a
problem of what to do when some girls don't want to shower in the presence
of some dude who claims he feels female inside (why oh why are not American
teens exploring the limits of that particular absurdity? (I am so
disappointed in them.))
Or... we make accommodations that PE can be taken last period of the day, so
that they have a practical option to not dress or shower in the locker room
(they can just go home afterwards.)
Or... we build a third locker room for other (I do admit I am inherently
curious enough to go into that one.)
Or... since we think Canada is so enlightened, let us make a law that
medical insurance companies have the option of not paying for circumcision
(and I don't understand why they would now (It isn't a medical necessity.))
Or... we create a circumcision awareness Kickstarter, buy ads on
Babies-R-Us, explain to young mothers that this procedure is unnecessary and
brutal, a throwback for when it was used to perpetrate mass murder (Genesis
ch 34.)
Or... I have more ideas, but that boy I rescued needs attention.
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