[ExI] Circumcision
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 21:21:30 UTC 2016
I would be interested in finding out how many teen boys would be OK
showering when there are women milling about in the locker room, and how
many would go whining to the principal to have them leave. Guys, would you
be OK with it? Would you have been OK with it in high school?
*OK, I get it and agree. I could just see some frat boys dressing up or
having pledges dress up and create some comedic scenes.*
*Now as to the above: I have asked quite a few classes this question: if
we all stripped down to skin right now, who would be more embarrassed, men
or women? The consensus has always been men. Men know that there are
some things about their equipment that they don't want women to know. In
fact I even saw this in Dear Abby once: a young man, maybe a teen, wrote
to her and said that he was embarrassed about size and wished that he could
have a semi-erection all the time. She said the obvious. *
*bill w*
On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 3:32 PM, spike <spike66 at att.net> wrote:
> *From:* extropy-chat [mailto:extropy-chat-bounces at lists.extropy.org] *On
> Behalf Of *William Flynn Wallace
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 16, 2016 9:42 AM
> *To:* ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [ExI] Circumcision
> >>… (why oh why are not American teens exploring the limits of that
> particular absurdity? (I am so
> disappointed in them.)) spike
> >…Huh? Please explain bill w
> I remember fondly when teenagers were rebellious outspoken cocksure types
> rather than this generation of shrinking violets seeking safe spaces where
> they wouldn’t risk getting their little feelings hurt.
> When I saw the White House directive that all public spaces be
> non-gender-exclusive, I fully expected a group of ballsy teen girls to band
> together and walk into the boys locker room while showers were taking
> place, claiming they felt like men inside, and identified as men. Then
> they could have a few of the guys in on it and have them comment to the
> reporters that they saw no harm in welcoming them into the locker room,
> that he and the other guys are not offended by the sight of another man’s
> vagina.
> The girls could get enough of them that there isn’t a real risk of things
> going terribly wrong. There would be no laws broken. There would be no
> justification for discipline of the ladies. It would be a rather hilarious
> gag, and would point out the depths of absurdity we can reach by pretending
> men and women are the same. I would be interested in finding out how many
> teen boys would be OK showering when there are women milling about in the
> locker room, and how many would go whining to the principal to have them
> leave. Guys, would you be OK with it? Would you have been OK with it in
> high school?
> spike
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