[ExI] Circumcision
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 15:11:38 UTC 2016
Note that "remembering" can be several things. I can have an episodic
memory of being in great pain, I can have a semantic memory that I was in
pain, or I could have an emotional trigger that causes conditioned change
in behavior/habit due to the pain. The last one can make me avoid dangerous
things even when I lack the first two. anders
This suggests that you are referring to a CR (classically conditional (more
accurate then 'conditioned') response), followed by either passive or
active avoidance. If this is the case, then the person will avoid
something because of the fear but not know why, lacking the semantic
memory. This does happen. I suggest that far more common is remembering,
though not for babies.
As for babies, who knows what they pick up before they begin to really
store long term memories. Lack of knowledge did not stop Freud, of course,
though most reject his claims of oral and anal fixations etc. Others traced
adult neurosis to birth trauma - how to prove that? Compare Caesarean with
vaginal delivery kids? Probably been done.
Does anyone know if the babies who are circumcised get any kind of pain
bill w
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