[ExI] What is religion? What is god was The Meaning of
Keith Henson
hkeithhenson at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 20:49:54 UTC 2016
On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 12:44 PM, William Flynn Wallace
<foozler83 at gmail.com> wrote:
> https://psysci.com/2012/11/10/credulous-personality-disorder/
> OK, so I searched for it and here it is: if we can't explain it, we call
> it a personality disorder. I am sure you are familiar with the nominal
> fallacy.
There is a range of this condition, and we know that at least one drug
cause people serious problems in this respect. You have to take
people off the drug or appoint guardians so they don't send their
pensions to a Nigerian Prince.
Strokes do this as well, so with a little effort we could figure out
just where in the brain the credulous module(s) is located.
Decades ago I ran into a person who had an extreme case. Near as I
could tell from probing he (or she, it has been too long) believe all
the conspiracy stories at the same time, cars that get 100 miles to
the gallon and cars that ran on water and other nonsense without
To warp this back around to circumcision, the evidence for it being
net helpful except in some 3rd world shit holes full of HIV is near
zero. So you have to be credulous and/or callous to inflict
mutilation on tiny babies. It's especially bad when people say it was
done to them, so they will do it to their male children so son will
look like father.
Although . . . This may not be the first time something like HIV came
out of Africa into the middle east where its propagation was retarded
to some degree by this particular mutilation. Tribes that did it
would reproduce faster and prevail in killing the tribes around them.
Jumping, so I don't have to bring up another window, Google:
“Mary Baker Eddy” temporal lobe epilepsy Ellen White temporal lobe epilepsy.
I remember seeing somewhere that Martin Luthar had related mental problems.
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