[ExI] Autonomous car ethics
William Flynn Wallace
foozler83 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 23 22:46:48 UTC 2016
an individual can still improve his
chances of survival by choosing a self-preserving car at the cost of
overall public safety.
I'd like to know the situations that were or would be presented to the AI
driver. Would the car run off a cliff to avoid hitting more people than
were in the car?
bill w
On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 5:16 PM, BillK <pharos at gmail.com> wrote:
> Should a self-driving car kill its passengers for the greater good –
> for instance, by swerving into a wall to avoid hitting a large number
> of pedestrians? Surveys of nearly 2,000 US residents revealed that,
> while we strongly agree that autonomous vehicles should strive to save
> as many lives as possible, we are not willing to buy such a car for
> ourselves, preferring instead one that tries to preserve the lives of
> its passengers at all costs.
> <http://www.gizmag.com/driverless-car-ethics/43926/>
> Quote:
> As the researchers explained, this problem is a glaring example of the
> so-called tragedy of the commons, a situation in which a shared
> resource is depleted by individual users acting out of self-interest.
> In this case, even though society as a whole would be better off using
> utilitarian algorithms alone, an individual can still improve his
> chances of survival by choosing a self-preserving car at the cost of
> overall public safety.
> --------------
> BillK
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