[ExI] Malaria conspiracy theory

BillK pharos at gmail.com
Sun Mar 20 11:50:49 UTC 2016

Can we have some facts please?

WHO Malaria Fact sheet
Updated January 2016


Between 2000 and 2015, malaria incidence among populations at risk
(the rate of new cases) fell by 37% globally. In that same period,
malaria death rates among populations at risk fell by 60% globally
among all age groups, and by 65% among children under 5.

Sub-Saharan Africa carries a disproportionately high share of the
global malaria burden. In 2015, the region was home to 88% of malaria
cases and 90% of malaria deaths.

i.e. since DDT use was restricted (not banned) malaria cases have been reducing.
DDT was mainly banned worldwide for widespread agricultural use only.

For more info and many, many references, see:

At peak DDT use, roughly from 1958 to 1963, the World Health
Organization (WHO) estimated malaria deaths world wide at 5 million
per year, declining to about 4 million per year by 1963.

New pharmaceutical regimens, and renewed vigor in prevention
campaigns, kicked in about 1999. Since then, malaria deaths have
fallen, from over a million, to about 500,000 per year.  Total
infections dropped to about 200 million per year — a 60% reduction
since WHO ended the eradication campaign.

Promising and encouraging progress against malaria spurs talk once
again of eradication of the disease.  But there is still much work to
do, and very thorny problems to solve — like drug-resistant malaria,
and pesticide resistant mosquitoes.

Note that these big reductions in malaria deaths happened while
populations were rapidly increasing.
And running health campaigns in poverty-stricken areas in Africa faces
many problems.


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