[ExI] bees again

William Flynn Wallace foozler83 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 15:12:38 UTC 2016

### There is way too much research required before food or medications can
be marketed. The FDA, both as it pertains to food and to drugs, should be
abolished. The FDA does not provide net benefit in terms of safety. It
slows down scientific progress, imposes insane laws (e.g. forbidding the
use of carcinogenic substances in food), increases prices of food while
lowering its quality. The recalls occur despite the FDA forcing pharma to
burn literally hundreds of millions of dollars per drug to get to market.
Predatory lawyers always are ready to extort money from pharma under any
pretext. The sale of drugs should be covered by contract law, with options
for the vendor to refuse liability.

Let me remind you that less than half of the studies of drugs for medical
use are double blind - the gold standard.  That's why there are so many

I just can't seem to find anything wrong with forbidding carcinogens in
food.  I'd like to be enlightened about that.

Didn't look it up, but I'll bet we spend a far smaller percentage of our
income on food than most places in the world.

Lawyers cannot win cases with no supporting data.

I'd also like to hear about the lowering of food quality by restricting

Farmers are the worst:  take the mouth of the Mississippi: below it are
hundreds of square miles of dead water.  Dead because of runoff from farms
that put too much fertilizer and other chemicals on their fields.  Oyster
beds get polluted and we can't eat them.  Fishermen go broke.

If I were a real ecofreak I'd drown you in data showing just how bad the
situation is.

bill w

On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 11:32 PM, Rafal Smigrodzki <
rafal.smigrodzki at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 1:54 PM, William Flynn Wallace <
> foozler83 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I do not know if I am a radical or not.  But I do seriously wonder why
>> the research that is so sorely needed before we put chemicals on crops or
>> anything else that goes into foods is not done.  Oh I know why - politics,
>> payoffs, money under the table, corruption at every level.
>> The same goes for the FDA - why do we see so many recalls of drugs, so
>> many lawyers advertising to file lawsuits against drug makers?  Not enough
>> research.
> ### There is way too much research required before food or medications can
> be marketed. The FDA, both as it pertains to food and to drugs, should be
> abolished. The FDA does not provide net benefit in terms of safety. It
> slows down scientific progress, imposes insane laws (e.g. forbidding the
> use of carcinogenic substances in food), increases prices of food while
> lowering its quality. The recalls occur despite the FDA forcing pharma to
> burn literally hundreds of millions of dollars per drug to get to market.
> Predatory lawyers always are ready to extort money from pharma under any
> pretext. The sale of drugs should be covered by contract law, with options
> for the vendor to refuse liability.
> ---------------
>> Go to the extreme - buy organic foods. Something an individual can do,
>> as opposed to doing our own  drug research. (actually I am doing my own
>> drug research by taking the the doctor orders and actin g as a guinea pig)
> ### Organic food is a religion. Completely non-scientific, a hodgepodge of
> wishful thinking and anti-technological superstition. I drink grass-fed
> milk because it's full of omega-3 acids but otherwise I tend to stay away
> from organics - I don't like the feeling I partake in a cult, and have to
> pay for it double.
> --------------
>> The rift between rich and poor, individuals and nations, is getting
>> worse, as everybody knows, and that will cause much trouble in the years to
>> come.
> ### Frankly, I don't care. The poor have been getting richer for decades
> and I am supposed to feel guilty about doing even better?
> -----------------
>> So - it's just not enough.  And I have no answers to how to get people to
>> sell their yachts and 20 million dollar houses, or even just to give a bit
>> each month for world hunger, etc.
> ### There is no "world hunger". There is widespread evil and stupidity,
> and, disappointing as it may seem, charity is not going to solve this
> problem.
> Which does not mean I would be against charity - to contrary, it is one of
> the noblest human impulses - but it still won't solve the Third World's
> problems.
> Rafał
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